How to integrate Wheelio with NewsMAN?
To start integrating Wheelio with NewsMAN, first, click on the "Integrations" tab located in the top bar of Wheelio Dashboard. After doing so, click on the "NewsMAN" box.
To get your NewsMAN API KEY that's required, click on the "here" text in the modal.
Once logged in NewsMAN, hover over the Profile icon and click the "API" button.
Click the "Create API KEY".
Select your List and tick the Access Type to "Full".
Click the Copy icon to copy the generate API KEY and do the same for User ID that's listed to the right.
Enter the copied API KEY and UserId.
Make sure to save the Integration details by clicking "Save Changes".
To finalize your integration, you are required to Enable your NewsMAN Integration on Campaign in Wheelio. Go to your Wheelio Campaign and click the "Integrations" tab inside the Campaign section. Finish by clicking "Save Changes".
Congratulation, you have now Integrated Wheelio with NewsMAN.
To get your NewsMAN API KEY that's required, click on the "here" text in the modal.
Once logged in NewsMAN, hover over the Profile icon and click the "API" button.
Click the "Create API KEY".
Select your List and tick the Access Type to "Full".
Click the Copy icon to copy the generate API KEY and do the same for User ID that's listed to the right.
Enter the copied API KEY and UserId.
Make sure to save the Integration details by clicking "Save Changes".
To finalize your integration, you are required to Enable your NewsMAN Integration on Campaign in Wheelio. Go to your Wheelio Campaign and click the "Integrations" tab inside the Campaign section. Finish by clicking "Save Changes".
Congratulation, you have now Integrated Wheelio with NewsMAN.
Updated on: 15/05/2023
Thank you!